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St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri • Page 8

St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri • Page 8

St. Louis, Missouri
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0 ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY -1917. SI.LUUI5 KJbr-UISKAILH MAKES A JOKE OF BEING HELD UP AND SAVES HIS SIO BILL St. Louis Kansas Citv Cincinnati Detroit Dorothy Dix Will Write for the Post-Dispatch 1 First of Series of Her Nationally Famous Articles to Appear Jan. 16 Career of Highest Paid Woman Newspaper.

Writer in World andrs Iiiin in the side with a revolver, he said: "I don't nee how you fellows can afford to travel In an automobile, for "i cents is all you could set from me if yon stood me on my head." He then handed out 75 cents, which was all he had except a tyo bill, and the robbers departed without searching him. aOO.OflO 1-1 re In lorn Towa. KSTHEKVILLE. Jan. 9.

Klre lat r.ifrht destroyed three buildings in the business section of with an eptamated loss of J2nn. morgan Street Jacob Mltrrbera; Telia Hot. her a He a't fee How They Afford uto for He llaa Ooly 75 Oat. A bit of badinage paved $10 for Jacob Kilverberg of 131S Goodellow avenue, when he encountered two automobile highwaymen lat night at Ooodfellow and Wells avenues. He pretended at first to take the men ior practical Jokers, but when one jabbed 606-608 Washington, Thru to Sixth Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Clearing Sab Besides the Saving, on This Merchandise YQ et Saving With the Valuable counted multitude of newapaper readers, young and old (and men as well as wom Just a little more than 20 years fearful, nervous young woman tendered ihe literary editor of the old New Or leans Plcavune a "contribution." Her I Here's I Feverish? jEESl37 Elective "heart In her mouth," so to speak, she vaited at the desk while the critical ditorial eye glanced down the closely vntten paces, and eulped in astonish Eagle Stamps Wednesday's Feature Dresses ment and delight when the editor hand en, and in nearly as large numbers) to write to her for advice, help, comfort, until today it may be said of her that she stands a veritable little sister to all the world through the medium of her pen.

It is truly a unique position among writers that Dorothy Di' occupies, and it is hers because she is a woman, a writer, with a head as well as a heart because she understands the problems, the in brief, every phase of the every-day life of the great mass of the people, and is ever ready with practical and sympathetic suggestion? of aid and encouragemeni looking towards the rebirth of home an happiness. Girls' Dresses ed her over Ji It meant acceptance; the pathway to literary fame was open to That fearful, little woman was Elizabeth Meriwether Gilmer, since known wherever newspapers are read as "Dorothy Dix." Today she is the hieh-est salaried woman newspaper writer in the she. Is contract to write her nationally famous Iorothy Dix articles exclusively for the Post-Dispatch of jring-ham and cham- A Wonderful Group Embracing Evening Dresses Up lo $)) Afternoon Dresses Up lo S'U). and Advance Spring Dresses Up to $2J al bray, in tieat ME 1 .1 i and stripes; sizes 4 to 14 years; for final clearance St. Louis, and betriiininc Monday.

w5 45 Mudrat of C'lanwleo. It was with this purpose in mind that Dorothy Dix began her literary career 2) years ago. Circumstances maiTe 't necessary for her to take up some line of dally money-earning work. In her girlhood she had received a liberal education In her father's library in Tennessee. There she had pored over the classics of Kngllsh literature until she almost knew them by heart.

Quite na Jan. 13. these articles will be printed three times a week, publication dayr being Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week? Dorothy Dix articles succinctly characterized as sane, sensible, sympathetichave endeared their writer to the hearts of millions. Indeed, in the years that Dorothy Dix has been writing, her articles have caused a.i un- Your cough and cold begin to get better as soon as you 1 start to take Dr. King New Discovery, '4 Ask your druggist, he's sold it for many years.

lllilfiL turally, this extensive reading had fired her with a desire to write some day. $2.98 Dress Skirts Stvlih full flare nrt piaitni mollis, of seree aiid ranama. a 1,1 ue and black. $1.49 SI Cat tin Waists s)id trim no 1 ta whit as oi.r: final for ednvla- 39c $17.50 Serge Frocks $7.95 $25 Dainty Dance Frocks $10.00 Advance Spring Dresses $19.50 $50 to $85 Evening Gowns $29.50 liJiWBBiiiEil 1 and many were the dreams she had in the old library of a time when she, too, would be world famous as the author of a classic. Then came her early marriage, and for a time "forgetfulness or her girlhood a.n-bition to become a great writer preferably of fiction.

True, before her husband's financial reverses and 111 health came, she had undertaken the authorship of one or two short stories, but with no serious purpose In mind, and it was not until she was faced with the problem of doing something herself that would mean an income that she earnestly turned to the dream of her girlhood as offering the best solution of the problem confronting her. So one day 30 years ago, she stood tremblingly before the literary editor or the old New-Orleans Picayune with her first real. 1 jp Share in This Great Bargain Event Tomorrow- Sale of Coats Sale of Men's Air- Vool Shiris and Drawers We are offering for today only your choice of any all-wool Shins or llraw. er, sizeH to 50; Shirts are either xingle or double breasted: values up to fur PRACTICALLY our entire Kail and Winter stock is included in this event we do not quote 4 4 comparative values" or "former prices" but you Lave our assurance that the reductions in every instance are decisive and the savings are well worth your prompt attention. Featuring Ileaiiliful Coals of Seal Plush.

Wool Velours. Diagonal Bolivia. Ziheline, Mixtures and Others. S27.50 and $30 Values at Suits -O ercoats purposeful literary" word In her hands and great was her joy when she was told that the story was acceptable. "And do you know." she said the other day.

"the three dollars the Picayune paid me for that sketch It was a fiction story have always seemed to. me the most money I have ever earned. 1 1 95 In Group 3 16 Mm nm told that today I can boast of belnri Vests Pants Women's in a a 4 Vnu a ara hleh ntit lnic airnvM: WE CALL special attention to this par tieular group of line Suits and Overcoats oi the highest paid woman newspaper Shirts Jut arrived, a nwr lot of 1 red cufT. liiirrnonv ri a 'e Shtrtr. 1 nil aluf, VV aty fAr 69c account of the extraordinary values it presents writer In the world, but somehow my present weekly income doesn't appear iirwe-M styies newest fabrics qualities that will surpass your expectation so overwhelmingly big to nie as did those three dollars the old Picayune's literary editor paid me on the spot for 2(c Group 2- Group 1 Jrcat Values $12.75 and $15 Coats.

$5.00 $15 to $22.50 Coats. $9.90 $22.50 and $25. Plush and Cloth Coats. $35 Seal Plush Coats. $21.75 $50 to $60 Coats $35.00 Great Values Group 4 Group 5 Great Great I Values Values 1 $1x35 SfA.85 SHOES, 1,33 af SJ.85 MJ and 1 lull Shoes Ilegular and Clearance Sale of my first serious effort at writing" As already said, this first story wns fiction.

Mrs. Gilmer, following the threads of her girlhood dream, had (liiite naturally made it so. Hut. with the realization that she could write In such a way as to earn money thereby, there came the thought to her that she must write something distinctive if she would hope to succeed permanently and in satisfactory measure as an author. In her few months in New Orleans, where she and Mr.

Gilmer had located for the latter's health, she had noted from time to time the evident desire of women of her acquaintance for sympathetic help in solving problems confronting them anj often there was none offered. In turning over her own problem, this circumstance flashed Into Mr. i -i nt styles white tops Men's and Young Men's Trousers Reduced included; at a I- A A cjix big ai Al Suits in he house with Hie exception of New Spring Suits are included in these four groups: 1. AV 95 S.35 $45 S.35 prices that will clear the tables in yhort order. 7 T.

I Fine Boots Regular $8, $9 and $10 Grades at $17.50 to $22.50 Suits Consisting of a variety of Suits in wanted materials. Special Mlr' and hil-lrra' Fell 9Q2 Gllmet's mind. Then came the golden Here's Where Men Save Mon Mllrm. to 2. ey inea: Why not write articles that will help the women who want help and cannot find It art l('lf that o-m KA 1 Suits Up to $25 lfc- ()c Well-made Suits In vervl'P I -SJ elrable cloth materials, Neckwear en Men's Garters 75 Flannel Shirts Silk Half Hose Granite Cloth I'l as to suggestions and yet of the heart any sympathetic?" Knitted an 1 crocheted 6 fine pad richly trimmed We are cutting Into all-pure Plaited silk and exceptional quall- i 1 ijuaii- our flannel Shirt 01111 1 1.1 1 in 10c Carters Suits Up to $35 45c prorit woji 1 cable web-b'nt: single and grip fancy ami Plain "colors Marts Dorothy Dix Talk.

The more she thought of the Idea 11... 3 inches wide; wool, faft hlack. medium weiuht; per yard $29-50 88 59c 29c carry any over and beautiful more it appealed to her. Finally, she Union Suits 75c Bath Towels laid her plan before her friends on the Picayune. They were Instantly sympathetic unit a 1 Men's Sweaters Men's Suspenders There are wo tone Grav Ki, Hoot, BurKun.y Boots.

Gray Huek Bantu. Ivorv Kin Boots, White Ki.l Boots, Patent IatheV-Boots. Black Boots in great variety and Gold and tMlviT Slipper as well as exceptional Suits of high-grade materials. Many novel Any Suit in the House Kxcepting only our new Spring regardless of former price, at only Rpeclnl let of heavy and lietn- Ide and narrow fab 1 1 inn. $23.95 Suits fine.

I Uood values in Men'. wool-mix 4 I Sweaters 5 I I .) Heav, Jdeached Itie.l. nt re lioiderN' secomin li, ht i perfect Ions Silk Shirts Our entire line of better pure heavv MIk Shirts is go- a ing at 57 tills low price Jrm Guyot Suspenders 39c 23c soft and I fluffv rics new fresh elas- io lea her end with or with- I out collars. Men's Shirts $1.00 Sheets Men' Neckwear Union Suits We have groupe-1 sev I'M from heavv bleacfceJ Handsome new riecli- The genuine, ilietinir: no seams; full tarns; lull gee and pleats in best in oesr 1'nusual offering of article 111. 11 eral large lots of 101s or quality fast color per- J) imported 49c imported 69c 1 lias been bard to net size.

fltslit ini-per fc ions SALE OF WAISTS Advertised Mow are a few of the wonderful opportunities in our Waist Department. 88c 35c tine silk 4-in-handa. In large dollar shapes. cmseti-crotch Suits all sizes les. at any price.

A Picnic for Parents of Boys 8 cans 25s Kitchen kl.nor $1 .50 I'lire tBttilaHfn Hler 0Q lloiler.i Lilire 1 49c BI wffee Mlltn Rlue and hll ouses $1.95 Waists These are of allover Ia-e-, with fancy collar and effect, and made over flefli chiffon. Very 'exceptional at $5.95 and $6.95 Waists Kn.bracinjr beautifully embroidered and beaded Geor-cttes. In pleasintr suit shades, as Burgundv, llussiau green navy and a few Mack Knickers For boys at f-x l.ranlle Miurrpim Neck Ties bright, at- tractive I 4-ln-hands I 1 1 special. M. KJS Flannel Blouses wool flannel A A mtlttarv If collar- I1" tiniiitll.

M. New lpeteja Mvl special. 29c 3 if $1.00 Voile and Organdy Walsta. WalsnTtoTlTirTrrr Boys' Mackinaws vi a iiicicniirr itie first of the now long line of Dorothy Dix talks was printed In the Picayune. Kight from the start the talks were a big success.

The rlrst article brought in scores of letters, and within a few weeks Dorothy Dix was a Picayune institution and was being written to for advice helj. comfort from all parts of the South reached by the circulation of her paper. Soon editors in various parts of the country began to reprint the talks from the Picayune, and then, greatly 10 Mrs Gilmer's astonishment, came an offer from a New York newspaper for her to Join its staff. This offer she de-dined; later the same paper made a second offer which was so flattering In its terms that she fell she could not refuse it and a few weeks later was meeting with as great success in New York as had attended her efforts In New Orleans. Krom her very first talk.

Dorothy Dix has written with the one fixed purpose of being sympathetically helpful to her ulsters "And, curiously enough," she says. "I soon found that men also were leing by my articles. I have received, oh. I ran tell you how many letters from men asking for help or telling me how they have been aided and encouraged by my articles. It was a piiixle to me at first, but I suppose the reason lies In the fact that the lives of men and women are so closely intertwined that what will help the average woman Is often of e.pial assistance and comfort to the average man.

Anyway, I am glad that all through these years I have been able to help my brothers as well as my sisters, for la it now good to help whomsoever we can aa we go through life, so largely made up of trouble and vexatious problems apparently fr the average person t. I.U l.a.rh HtMim. Not yet moved from 4th and locust. At loth and Locust about Feb. 1st.

Boys' Overcoats Special Sale of Ginghams J13T what the bovs want sr leu did j'nttertis in reds, prays, Sale of Underwear and 2-Pants Suits Wonderful Values in Four (Jreat Lots 7l ic Apron Cherk iroTn ami preens new belted mo.lels ges to 17 on wile tomorrow, at. ard I2e tpna l.lni- ha ma i e-ju! Amnfki-jji: yrd, I liaf. hambray 6c 10c He a A fow latliamai ard Se fine 7-bjr tlreaa LOT 1-AT $2-88 LOT 2 AT 3 LOT jcq LOT -AT $.88 Chinchilla Overcoats nap blue Chinchilla Over-eoats eocni qnalitj- Willi velvet foliar in l-utton to tieolt stvle A for little fellow's ty, t. at IJ- I3ic radr, new et ii; ard. $1.39 Gowns and Chemise These attractive garments are of lace, beautifully trimmed with em-broidery.

Kach is exceptionally priced at 95 Curtain Scrim MmquUrUtf a nl Voile mhit ecru: miii 5C 1 i i- a li alue; ard '7 you tee it in a Sehmitz ShroJer adif TRUE" $1.50 JL Felt Linoleum Mi lut roil, a $1.95 Gowns tnmmed with embroidery; manv have clusters of pretty Silk Gowns and Chemise -Jih 0f Chin the are crepe de chine. ery attractive at yard a 25c direl. 1 Klllr tw California Deer BKRKEI.ET, C.I.. were killed and nine $9.95 Cork Linoleum um t. UQR.

EIOHTO AND WASUllCCTV Knar Tarda wldei C0I hunt for 12.or deer slaughtered In Call fornla In 191. according to 39c mttted to the 8ute Ki.h wie remnaiita; 12 to ard; HQ. 4fw- ntY uime "mill ip.itrn i.

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