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St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri • Page 4

St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri • Page 4

St. Louis, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

St. torn (Stains fosf, gganbaB, Searcher 8, 1878. THE DISPATCH DICKER. tnem. Under the reference to fonrth -class may bo disregarded, and the law itself almost literally places iron ore or in car loads III.

The defendant next insists that there is no charge or rate fixed in the aet for a distanee LehighValley Anthracite, ISiS Muddy, Basin Block And Illinois COALS. want of anything better. Lambs scarce. Val- ucs firm. We quote: Good to prime at $3 25m 3 50; choice at $3 603 75; good and choice export sheeo of 100 to 140 range at $3 4 00; common at $2 002 25; fair at $2 50 3 15; Mexican and Texas common at $1 50; fair at $2 252 50: and good at $2 6032 85 all per cwt.

Lambs at $11 50 for common; $2 2532 50 for fair, and good to choice ut $2 t02 90; feeding wethers $2 256,2 65. KKPBKSENTATIVI SALES. No. Description. Av.

Price. 80 Good native sheep ...109 $3 25 103 Common native sheep 82 2 30 The Sale Tvbich Tok Place at the Ceurt-IIoHse Frost To-Day HA.1WEY fc P. LEWIS less than twenty-five miles. Fractions are named all through the act. They are generally the third and subsequent twenty-five miles, but at the close of section 4 it is provided that in computing the rate of freight, according to the provisions of this act, the distanee shall be computed from the point where it is received thts 311 OLIVE 8TREET.

Purchase of the Paper for Jos. Pulitzer by Simon J. Arnold, for $2,500. State, notwithstanding it may pass from one road to another. This is in reference, tnen, oat.

Then the young man and his girl will tussle for the warmest half of the bnggy robe. Jardinieres filled to order. Bernd Eckstein. Thb police report Miss Sarah Mulquinn, living In the rear of 4223 Broadway, and Mrs. Elizabeth Whale, living at McRce City, New Manchester Road, In very destitute circumstance.

Okficer Mehlixo yesterday morning found a five-gallon can ot coal oil on the corner of Washington and Jefferson avenues. Tha can is now at the Jfonnted District Police Station awaiting an owner. all styles of Gloves. Bernd Eckstein. Thk Social Evil question in a nutshell: It is a very bad business; something ought to be done about it; it is hard to do anything with; something should be done aDout it right away; let's think about it.

Hats, all shapes, 25c. Beknd ECKSTEIX. Get your gloves at Kreeger 405 X. 4th St. FOREIGN NEWS.

Live Stock Markets by Telegraph. Union Stock Yards. Chicago. December 9. Hogs Receipts Saturday, 7.698 head; shipments.

4,101 heai. f.stimatou receipts past 48 hours, 13,500 head. Market dull; com D. MACDONAID, HO Wnshlngton Avenue. Illinois Coal.

None Bettor in Market. CENTS. mon grades, S3 50'2 8U; packing uraues, the first twenty-five miles. This rate mu computed from the place where receive conditioned only that such place or shall be outside of the State.

Hence if the seven miles of defendant's road is within the twenty-five miles from where the ore started, it must be taken into this computation and receive its pro rata. Any other construction wonld allow defendant or any other road of five or six miles long to charge prohibitory rates and block the commerce of the State, $2 552 75. Cincinnati. December 9. nogs: neceipis 9.631 bead.

Market firm: common S2 zU 2 45; fair to good light S2 502 65; packing grades $2 60te2 75; butchers' grades 2 75 2 85. which it was evidently the intention ot tne leg demand and firm, with salee of regular at 79c. There was a strong inqnirv for No. 2 Mediterranean, salable at 85Jic, "bnt was held higher. Rejected was dull.

Spring was iu good demand; 75)ic bid for No. 2, but held at 76c and higher. Futures opened strong at an advance, but trading was light all through, and the market closed doll and weak at quotations. December sold at 88)ic to 8SX and back to opening. Jann-ary opened at 88Jj'c, sold at 89c and back to 88 v.

February sold at to and qack to 90 We. Provisions In a eeneral sense, flat, stale and unprofitable. Trading was of the lightest possible description consistent with any transactions, and the feelimr was one of almost unalloyed insipidity. Old pork was reported in a small way at $7 20, and new do at $7 75. Lard was in some demand, but the reported trading was very light; the market is quotable at about loose and 5.30c bid for packed, sales being 100 tcs loose p.

t. Dry salt shoulders sold lightly at 2.60c. short ribs at 3i33.60 (niuinlv 3)c). long clear 3.55c and short clear at 3.65e a little packed short clear sailing at 3.70c and all about 15'r20 days old. Bacon was lifeless; a tew thousand pounds old short clear sold at Green meats alone seemed to meet a fair demand, but, save a couple of cars 16 lb hams east side at sales were reported p.

t. 100,000 short clear was reported at latter. There was some movement in dressed hogs, which sold in a small way at 2.40132.65c. Flour was qniet and stiff. Grade family continues scarce and was in good demand, while xxx, choice and fancy were in comparatively lir supply and held still ly at full prices.

The demand all through was fair from buyers, but the inquiry was mora particularly for the grades mentioned. We quote the closing rates: line, 602 75 superfine, $2 903; $3 153 25; xx, S3 00 xxx, $3 75'e3 90; family, 1D4C4 2o; choice, $1 3044, 40; fancy, $4 6095. Corn Firmer and in active demand. No. 2 mixed was in heavy movement, speculative and for shipment, sales covering over 50,000 bushels, the price paid being 20c regular and 2940 stricMy fresh.

Most purchases of this grade were by one house. Rejected was stiff at full hie advance, short storage ears selling at 2Sc and ANTHRACITE COAL BRAZIL, BLOCK And ILLINOIS COALS. FRAXK W. ROBERTS, MARKETS BY TELEGKAFU. islature to protect.

Alter a careful examination of the matter 1 think the motion to dissolve should be vcw December 9. Flour quiet; Ohio shipping, $44 25; trade brands, 4 5o 4 75; St. louis extra, iisuwauu; i. choice xx, 25; St. Louis family, 5 2o FINANCIAL.

BRAX Firm and demand better, an Eastern buyer taking 20 cars 6acked at mills at 42c; also 1 car shipstaffs sold at mill at 70c. HAY Firm and in active demand on this aide from feeders-offerings large on East trk very dull and weak. Sales on East track 3 cars prime timothy nt 57 50, 1 strictly choice at S8 50. On this side 3 cars strictly prime timothy at $8 75 9, 2 cars small-baled do at same, 2 cars about choice (1 small baled) $9 25. 2 choiee at $9 50, 1 fancy at $9 75.

On orders by dealers, delivered 4 ears and 50 bales at $9 50 for prime timothy, $10 60 for strictly pi to choice. HIGHWINES Quiet and steady. Sales 118 brls at $1 03. TOBACCO No break Monday or Saturday. BUTTER Receipts (48 hours) 32,832 lbs.

Unehaaged. Choice roll. creamery and selected dairy were in fair local demand and steady in price all poorer grades in larger supply, dull and weak. Wo quote: Packed Creamery 25 a 26c favorite brands 27 28c. Dairy choice to strictly do 1820e, good to prime fair b'fiTOc, low grade 53k'ej country neglected nominal at 5o to 121i15c; grease-butter Roll Choiee (wrapped) at 12ffll5c mainly at 12Ke! off lots unwrapped or light-colored 7 10c.

EGGS Dull, at 19e in lots for strictly fresh Sale 31 cases at 19e guaranteed. POULTRY Market almost bare of dressed little old stock offering and fresh receipts in-signiiicafit; prices unchanged, but firm. YVe quote: Chickens lit $1 2531 50 for poor, SI 75 fe2 for good. $2 25 32 40 tor choice and fancy. Ducks at $1 5O01 75 for common.

$2'a2 '25 for good, $2 502 75 tor fancy. Turkeys fairly quotable at 9Kc lb though a couple of lots sold a fraction higher; rough slow at S'r9e. Geese duil for rough at 00, choice tat in demand at $-5i36. Live No demand; not salable when dressed can be had prices nominal chickens at $1 40 1 60 tor medium young and old mixed. SI 752 for choice young and old hens; ducks $1 501 75 for common, 25 for for choice geese $3 50 1 turkeys $6 to $7 5o GAME In demand aud firm; receipts light and ia excellent condition, hales: Gronse at $2 75 for ae.

acted undrawn quail for drawn, 75'asoc for selected undrawn; rabbit 65 for 90 for 111., squirrel 40fc5ic uck $125'ffl50 for small mixed, $1 501 75 for tt-al, $2a 2 2 for mallard; pigeon 84iloc; deer 4)i -5c gross Venison saddles aToc, latter for dressed wild turkeys 30c to 60c, and 'possnm 5c to 20c each as in sijie. APPLES Continue to drag and rule weak; the light demand was lor sound shipping and eating varieties onlv. Receipts liberal and mainlvof Eastern. We quote: GenetingSl 25 80, Eastern $1 30 to $2 00. choice to fancy red $2 22 to $2 75.

Sale 1 car N. Y. various at SI 70 del. POTATOES Weak, and almost neglected; stocks large. We quote choice, in bulk: Peach-blow 5055c; fluke, peerless, 45'fil7)e; early rose 40'a45c.

Sale 182 sks peerlebs at 45e delivered. 6 25. Wheat duli; No. 9bi)ic; o. a Milwaukee $DaT Ol: winter $161 US; timber, $11 09: No.

2 red. 1 07. Corn qniet; steamer 45 4Uc cash, 45Ji -S45c December, Gold Closed at New York To-day at 100 1-8. Discounting to-day was light all around, and The much-talked-of sale of two St. Louis newspapers, the Journal and the Dispatch, took place as advertised to-day, between half-past 12 and half-past 1 o'clock, at the east door of theCoart-house.

The crowd began to assemble at least an hoar before the sale commenced. Among those present the Post reporter noticed W. E- Allison, late editor of the Dispatch; B. Gratz Erown. attorney for B.

M. Cbambsrs, who holds a $15,000 mortgage on the Dispatch; W. V. Wolcott, formerly of the Journal and Dispatch, now of the Tvries -Journal; C. S.

Fisher, ot the Times-Journal B. M. Chambers, of the Tiaies-Journal; Col. John Knapp, Col. George Knapp and Wm.

ITyde, of the Rqnibiicmn; X). M. llousor and Mr. Btapleton, of tha Globe-Democrat; John A. Dillon, of tbe EVENING ro.T; John M.

McUulun, of the F.rening JS'ftir; J. ti. McClellun, T. A. I'ost, Major L.

Harrigan, (has. liamin, E. P. McCnrty, isimoa J. Arnold, Kobert A.

Campbell, Judge lleller, John 1. Finney, John Finn, John J. Dalv, Enos Clark, Mr. Buelje. Cadiz, Ohio, D.

B. Welch, brother-in-law to Mr. W. K. Allison, and holder ot a large auioiiHt of Dispatch stock.

Judye John M. Krum, M.A. Kustiiblatt, Wiu. Edwards and E. V.

FoJi. There was a vast amount of GOSSIP about the probable result, everybody appearing to be la the best of humor notwithstanding the disagrceablenesa of standing out in the cold. Some said the Dispatch was worth to, ooo and that there was vet a fortune in it, owing to the fact that it has "the excin-eive franchise tor publishing the news," while there were others who were disposed to think the institution was not worth a cent more than Jauuarv: No. 3 42ftc; kii cash, ifia 47c December, 47'i4Sc January. DR.

HARTER'S I RON TONIC Is the best remedy in the world or GENERAL DEBILITY. Oats quiet. Rye quiet at 5h'too9c. the aggregate showed a decided tailing off from the volnmo of a week ago. There was some demand from pork packers, but it was ot BEST IN THK WOULD.

101 Olive. imowN's CARAMELS, Bank Stocks Going Down. Special Cable Dispatch to the Evening Post. London, December 9. The feeling ot gloom and insecurity lu the stock markets has increased, and bank shares show a general decline.

AFGHAN AFFAIRS. The Viceroy has telegraphed to the Government here that the British reconnoissanee has advanced to within sight of the Kandahar Plains. Mirakliar is stirring up the Hill tribes. COUNT SCHOUVALOFP, the Kussian Ambassador, had a long interview with the Marquis of Salisbury, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, after the Cabinet meeting today. HE HAD HEARD in the House of Commons this p.

Sir Stafford Northcote, Chancellor the Exchequer, replying to a question, said the Government had heard from the Russian Arabassador.Count Schouvalolf. that the Russians who went to Shere Ali had left Cabul. LOCAL. NEWS. Clearance Sale Black Cashmeres.

IlERSD ECKSTEIN. an intermittent and uninteresting character. Flour and cotton shipment bills were in small offering. Shipment biils of grain were relatively larger than the two last named, but at the best were but fair. Commercial names mads a very moderate showing.

Tne conntry demand was very light. At the counter there was, however, a fairly active business. Cnr-renev orders were very small from all sections, and receipts from the country were dirto. New Y'ork exchange was iu better supply than demand. but the market was steady at par to 256250c discount.

Transactions in securities were light. Kansas City and Northern Hock was firmer, the chief demand being for common at 7 preferred is quoted at There was some inquiry for Iron Mountain shares, but no sales that we learned ot. Kansas Pacific bonds were firm and in fair request. Sales of Government 4s were moderate. Miscellaneous shares were in light movement.

st-r. fresh wanted at 28.Se. White mixed was also actively wanted, No. 2 selling at and rejected and new do wanted at 2ic. New corn was also higher, with small sales at 2S2S.Ue.

lat ter bid lor more. or no-grade 25c was bid reg. Futures opened strong and in good demand, but eaed otf later, and the vnhw of the old traps and tricks in the ot Wm. Hvde what he Get your gloves at Kreegcr's, 405 N. 4th St.

FINE OLD lUSO-MADK SOm MASH WHISKIES, from one to eight years old. from the celebrated Anderson A Crow distilleries, for sale by gallon or cask, at James Lupe's, 322 Olive. Gloves fitted to the hand, liernd A Eckstein. Get your gloves at Kreegcr's, 403 X. 4th St.

lice, homebody a lied Mr at the clog; the market was would give for it: "1 would not ifive a damn for it paid he quiet and weak. December was bid, and January 29 bid, without sales. The short interest seem tearful ot tha heavy export de mand, as seen at present, aim fiirlit shy of Storjcs una Bonds. Corrected by I. A.

Coquard. strtc and bond broker, corner of Third and Pine street. going deep for the near future; a good muny are covering with cash. February only was in GOVEeNMKNT KEC'tTHlTIieS. demand, and that not heavy; sales were at early to 31 Jb'c.

and back to MR. W. C. Stficiers is the only authorized advertising agent of the Evening 1'ost in St. Ixmls.

All contract made by him will be recognized as if made in the office. Oats The demand to-day lor grade was When Kate I Cmpon Buy rayable-l Int. I Due. tne. 5-20 lPRS.ilSS5-6e sold.

Man. 103 Sell- inc lOteV Whisky quiet at $1 09 i. Fork quiet at 57 35'tt8 cash new, $8 Januarv; $8 05 February, 8 60 March. Lard quiet 6c cash 5.95c December, 6c January, 6.1)5 February, 6. loo March.

Bacon easy; long clear 43c, short rib and short clear 4 He CillCAOo, December 9, 1 p. n. FMour unchanged. wb-at stronger, but irreiru-lr: No. 2 at cash and December, Januarv.

84.iS3c February, Winter wheat rirmer; No. 2 red at 87c and No. 3 do at 81c sllera'. Corn firmer; No. 2 at 31c cash, 31.V3o.?ic December, January, May, 31V41V: February.

Oats steady; No! 2 at 19'-e cash and December, 2oe January 23i'c May. Rve firm: No. 2 at 44 He cash, 45c January. Barley slow: No. 2 at 97c cash; extra No.

3 at 49a.531ic cash. Whisky steady at 1 o5. Grain inspections: 494 cars wheat, 2S2 corn, 50 oats, 21 rye, 35 barley. Pork lower; December at, $6 60 bid, $6 75 asked January $6 856 72U; Feb. $7 9537 82 March 47 95.

Lard lower; Feb. 5.7O'5.60; March 5.8013 5.70C. Meats nnchanged loose at for s.c, 3.60cs.r., 3.55e I.e., 2 'c shoulders; boxed at 3.95c to-r s. 3.8U s.f-. 3'c I.e.

should ers. S.P. hams at 5'e for 15-B; green hums at 4 Sc. New Orleans, December 9. Flonr dull-nothing dointr; xxx S125W4 75, family $4 75 ido.

Corn steady mixed 43c; white 47c; yellow 44'S45c. Oats easy nt 30'r32c. Bran stsady at 75e. Cormneal dull at $2''2 o5. Hay quiet; choice S10; prime $13 504ul4.

Whiskv steady; Cincinnati $1 081 lo; Western II 0631 OS. Pork quiet, nominally $'S 8 12a- IJird quiet and easy tcs 616S'c. Bacon dull and easy; shoulders 3c, clear ribs 4'ic, clear Dry salt shoulders easy; loose in car lots at 3c. C. hams duil at lo.1 2 Baltimore, December 9.

Wheat dull; $1 spot ana December, $1 o5'al o5.U January o7.U February. Corn steady; new 45c spot, December, 45746c January. Oats firm at 2siHlC. Receipts 70,135 bu wheat, 83,536 bu corn, 3,797 bn oats. SUick 1,013.273 ba iieal.

218.622 bu corn. Cincinnati, December 9. Port steady at $9. Lard quiet; current make 5.60c, kettle 6u6 'ie. Bacon quiet; shoulders 3c, clear ribs I'e, clear sides hams Cut meats quiet; shoulders 2.70, clear rib 3.

75c, clear sides Whisky active and firm at $1 03. Toledo, December 9. Wheat firm No. 2 red 9 I'c cash, December. 95c January, 96o February.

Corn steudv; high mixed, new, 2 cah; new 32i32jC. Receipts, 24,000 bu wheat, 19,000 bu coin, 3, Olio bu oats. December 9. Wheat dull; WASHINGTON. mainly in a speculative way, antt the market was firm, although without material chance from last report.

No. 2 was want 5-208 1867.I1SS7 6 jfold. iJ.m. n5o -20s UHS1 Hcgold.lJan. A 108'i: lOH ed at 197ic strict! fresh, short The general impression prevailed that the Journal would bring next to nothing and that the Dispatch would not co much abnre the $15,000 mortgage held hy B.

M. Chamber. There was present a portly-looking jrentlumaii from Cincinnati who talked like he 'might buy the IHspatch. He said if he did so, ho would continue it it wan except to make it hard mouey paper. Some one told him if he continued it as it was he would have to have a pretty heavy fund to draw from each week to pav expenses.

Previous to tne sale Mr. Chambers, Ex-Got. Brown, and Mr. tt. S.

MacDonalU, the trustee, who was to bid otf the property held a- long conversation in the orrice of Collector Rosenblatt and it was whispered that chambers was goitiar to buy, but it turned out that ho was only preparing a notice to be read out before the bidding commenced. At this junctnre GET your gloves at Kreegcr's, 405 X. 4th St. NATIONAL BANK OF MISSOCRI. storae and regular cars selling at 19 Vc Re 5-20s lS68.Ts;6eg.l.i.jJan.

A.lulv. lOHMOH.S gold. PMar. A lo7 ii07-4 5e ilxfljoc 105 lOtsy N'ew4V '76iisM -t. z'd.

New 4sl877iy071i jrold. Isuarterlv. 100 101 jected was scarce and wmilwl nt 19c, and ho. white do at Nothing eone iu lu- rures. Rye In demand and higher.

Ko. 2 sola CONSOLS. The Secretary of the Treasury has jnst Issued the seventy-fourth call for 5,000,000 5-20 bonds, consols of 1SG5. The call is tor coupon bonds and 3,000,000 registered bonds, making an aggregate of $5,000,000. The interest on these bonds ceases on March 9, 1S79.

XLYIU CONGUnSS. RAILROAD BOXPC. at 42c and rejected at 3bc in to 38S0 L. X. lstir.i Mo.ra.lstiul 'PV7 te etir.

Jan. "SS aug.l 10J 105S f7 Vc fold, Fetr. A AugJ lOS's; 100 re gold- Feb. 4 Auz. LOS lUd 1.

M. 1st ra AFTERNOON BOARO 2:30 TO 3:30 P. M. "Wheat Easier; lair trailing. December sold K.

Pac.lstml at 88 5.1t5c, January at Soc to fcs.Sc, February at 9oe to svt 1516c. closed at 8bc bid De COIJi AMD BXCUANOK. cember, 90c bid Jauaary. 100 2.50 Groceries, f.lobbers' Quotation. I COFFEE R1o." eomnion 14 Va 15 Sc: fair to rood nrlnie j6fal7'c: choice 17)s4f 171S.C; Smeaoore Java 22' 2-lc: O.

G. Java 25'ff27c Mocha 29c: Mexican, St. prune to fancy I1KFINED SUGARS Cut loal 10lc: crushed 10'c: standard (A) St. Louis (A 9.c: Missouri (A)9vc: extra (C) 9c; standard (C) 9c; yellow (CO granulated standard! 7c; do (Si. Lonlelttcowaerea One do CANNED GOODS.

PICKLES. doz. 2-tt. 1 5: 3-, $2 50-tf3 00: Strawberries. 25: Raspberries.

2-t SI 50: Gooseberries. Whortleberries. 65: Pine Apples, 2-fe. $1 25'rfl 60: Cherries, red, tl 60 do. white.

52 50: Pears. St WYtrl 75: Pamsoes. 3r; Tomatoes 2-t. 5ctf I tl 15ST 20: Strmsr Iteans. 2-R $1 00; Lima Means 2-Ib.

Jl -ftil Green Peas. 2-tt $1 25'a 1 7n: armouth Corn 2-Ib. $1 60; ExreMor Corn. 2-Ib. $1 30: Sar-eines.

hf-boxesin ease, Z2c: ouarters. 14c: Ovsters. full weights, 2-tb. $1 35 1, lo, do. hoc: do.

Hirtil wencnts. $1 CO: to liirht weicht.s. 1-B. Lobsters.

2-. S2 So- 1-fb, $1 hO. SOAP Palm, Zai 'c: extra fainilv. ic: Castile, mottled Marseilles. white Marseilles.

American mottled. 9 Sc. COM ENTKATF.O LY -1 i lrtsDurjt h.ipomfler, $3 .5: Greenwich. $3 75: American. S3 75: Kx-relsior granulated.

$3: Globe, $3 bo. All above 4 do in esse. NAIL S-S2 25. rates. CHfc.ESK New orK factory.

estern. Tfi-se: I. Utic: P. 22e. N.

O. SUGAR Kettle, PICKLES Glass Pts. 1 doz in case, 'r1 doz. SI: e1hs. ots.

i in ease, iloz. SI Si: class. lt ..100 GoliieoiYi New Orleans Kxciienge. Corn Dead dun und easier. No sales; 2a Wc Senate.

Washington. December 6. Petitions reo- bid str. fieh December; reg. January; 31c February; 3J, March, and 34c May.

weit; presented hv Senators lutions, etc Kernau, Beck, Iviriwood, McMillan ana MS. JOSErH ri LITZETt arrived. Finally everything was ready, and with a handicl of papers and followad by some halt a dozen interested parties Mr. It. S.

Muc-Donald crowded his way to the east door of the Court-lsocse and mounted a chair and said he was glad to see such a large crowd, "and I propose" said be. "to sell two live newspa Hunk Discounts fnr 1st rinse 7 9 cent. Outside discounts for 1st elaw paper 1 2 ceni-Keal estate seruritiei 7 10 T'eent. The Cotton Market. others.

Senator Wir.dom offered a resolution re Spots were dull and unchanged, sales of ST. I.OI'lS CLEAUiNO riot fcH. onestiuz the President to transmit to the Sen only 564 bales being reported up to 3 p.m., 4.0.s9.!HR 315,176 KhUiiko and of these 129 bales sold late Saturday. New Y'ork declined and was quiet. Liverpool dull and unchanged.

Money and Stocks by Telegraph. New Y'ork. December 9. Money exchange QUOTATIONS ate certaiu deplomatic correspondence. Agreed to.

Mr. Conkling presented a petition of the widow of the late Commodore Pauldinjr, asking a pnion. hecator Garland introduced a resolution calling on the Secretary of the Interior for information regarding Indian fcSnirs. Agrefdto. The Chair mid before iLe Seuate the annual report of the Cotniuissioiieis of the District ot Columbia.

senator Dorsev Introduced a bill appropiiat- I'rogress 3Jad in the Settlement of Us Affairs. A reporter of the Evening Tost called on Mr. Walter f. Johnston, receiver of the National Bank of the State of Missouri, this, and made impiiiy as to the progress being mMdeintha settlement of the bank's affairs. Mr.

Johnston siiid he was not prepared to make anything like a formal statement: that, iu fact, such a thing would be of no use to creditors or anyliotlj else because it would necessarily he impei-toc owing to the fact that everything now depends upon the result of gome heavy litigation. "If." said lie, "we gain certain the bank will Day out pretty we. tut if the same suits go agaiust us hurts is not a very cneouragmg outlook. The New Yoik Hank of Commerce snit involves HALF A MILLION, and there are otliei a of considerable magnitude. These suits must be first st'ttled one way or the other ti'ne 1 can teil what additional divi-uVutls will In- paid." "Hot, much has been paid on deposits up to the present time'' 'I S.irty.fivc on the dollar." Y'ui cannot t-11 wheu another dividend will be distributed?" "Nt; for It all pends upon those litigated claims.

I hope to settle the Bank of Commerce suit in January or February by spring at the i'lrthrst. Then 1 Bhull know more about It, and shall not object to givimr the prcts ail the information in my St. New York. 6-3 Low ordinary OrdlnarT e'i 7." 8 1-16 48; gold Governments strong, stock moderately active, but. weak and declined to 'i- Cotton dull.

Flonr, wheat, corn and oats qunt. Rve and barley nominal. Pork quiet. Whiskv $1 Petroleum quiet. New York, December 9.

Sales of New Y'ork, West Shore anil Chicago Railroad postponed. 2 82.VS Deceinoer, 83 jC January, nibl-ibne 8 Sr. Rcceiuts: sic March. Barlev steady at 8nc. Middling fi4 9 1 doz.

iu ease. S2 85: glasr. 1 plain. doz, in case. doz, 1 gal.

hexagon. uoz, in case. Am. tittle, dz, $9: 1 gal. hexagon, ii doz.

in case. English stvle. dux. $10: sherkins. Eng.

Uootl luirtithiiir 9 9 5-16 brls flour, bu wheat 4 ,4 00 bu bir pers. At this there was a loud laugh, "lais is a cash sale," continued Mr. MacDonald. '( ash?" said a voice. Yfc-c, si.

id the auctioneer; "this is a cash transaction. Then Mr. Mr.cDoaald proceeded to say that the Dispatch twenty-seven vears old nnd tiiat tbe Journal was eiifiit years old, and that they olii had sometime made money End someticies not Another loud laugh. Mr. D.

D. Fisher then read the notice of sale, aliei which ei-Gov. Gratz Brown came to the front and ssid he desired to UKAD A MJiK E. He mounted the chair and proceeded to read a paper giving notice that the Journal was subject to tiie mortgagif h-i 1 by Mr. B.

M. Chambers, as uell us the Dispatch, and that any one buying the Journal would please bear the same in iniud. Mr. Mac Donald said he gave it as his opinion ns alawvcr, free of mat the was MiddliEir fair 10 3-io corn, bu oats, 2, sou uu rye, ing $17,000 to pay the expenses ot the Hot Springs Commission, and making provisions London, December 9. Consols tor money 94 1-16; account, 9i 5-16.

Bar silver STOCKS IS sr. LOUIS WAKEUOrStS. bariev. for the control ot the property unritig the en Stocks to-dav, 35,939 bales; same aay last year. bales.


suing yea r. Referred to the Committee on Appropriations. Senator Harris called tip the yellow fever ooncuirent rc solution received from the House. Receipts, shipments Bales. Bales ami providing for theioint committee.

At the To-day For Additional Commercial Information See suiruestioti of a i enreseiitative he u.sked a con Same Unv last year 2,243 2,154 1 ,914 1116,227 stle. doz. pi. S2 oO.ots, 75: enow cuow.Kng. Ftirle, 9 doz, pts.

$2 "0. qUs, 51 75; mixed, English ssvlc, do, pts. $2 50, qt, $1 75; cauliflower. Kr.g. ftvle, iloz, pts, $2 50.

Qts. $1 75: onions. English stvle. doz. pis.

$4. its. $6. Picklcsin wood Medium. In brls.

1.200. 5o: do. in 'i brls. small, in oris. 9 400.

$7 75 do 2 brls. 1.200, $4 50; gherkins. In brls. 3.5oO. Ssjo; do.

hrls. 1.750. S4 75: do. In lOgnllon kca-s. 9-4 lio: do in 5 gallon kegs, $2 50.

(Crosse well's. Gherkins 2 doz. In case. d-z. 3 50: do.

1 loz. iu cise. its, doz. $6 75; chow cla w. 2 doz.

In case. pts. doz. $3 50: chow chow. 1 doz.

In case. Qts, doz, S6 75; mixed, 2 doz, in case, pts. doz. $3 50: do. 1 doz.

in case. qts. uoz. $6 i5; cauliflower. 2 doz.

in case. i ts. 'f loz, 3 50: do. 1 doz, in case. qts.

ft iloz. 516 ,5: onions 2 noz. in ca-e, pis, doz. $4 50. Less than ease 25c ioz.

extra. Total lor season to date. .174, 512 cui retie in the House and the discharge of the Senate committee on the tame m'jject lrom its Same lime last year 92,724 AHRIVED. Spread Eagle. Grafton.

Annie, Keokuk. ELi.WrT. rand Tower. MY Choice-, Cairo. Polar Star, Hickman.

Etna, Cairo. No ice here; a little above. The Gold Dust should arrive here at o'clock Third l'aga. The Cnll Hoard. A new rule goes into effect December 16, by which the "cali" of grain begin at 11:30 a.

future coiisiueration. not subject to the said mortgage of $15,000. NEW YORK. Futures closed weak, sales 91,000 bales. closed at 100 11AILR0AD RULES.

Quotations oi futures: January. 9. OS; Febru m. instead of 12 m. All notices of deliveries ary.

9. in: April. i.42: Slay. must be made prior to 1 1 :30 a. in.

this evening. y.55; June. u.64; July, tt.71; Auguss. Thk Miller ill leave for Cincinnati 011 Thurs. sobtember October, No Alter making some miscellaneous remarks to the crowd as to the vultie of a paper having "the exclusiv franchise to publish toe news" Mr.

MacDonnld said he would first ofler the Journal, which had been a paying paper. 'I now otiHi," said he, "the St. Louis DuUy Jovnmt, viiiu the table, chairs, carpets, presses, engines, tvpe and good iii how much am I bid? Ho.v iimch forthis valuable property This is a good chance now for somebody to day iimiit. She is popular. Elevator Statement.

WITHDRAWALS AND STOCKS DEC. 7. vember. December. 9.02.

Decision oa ths Hight to Classify estate and railroad you to Mr. Calvin any?" "Will the sale of rea! Hock recently made by Burns facilitate vour wori LIVliUl'OOL yt ota IONS. Cai't A. M. Hutchlvson's packet Clinton LIVE STOCK.

ales: Uplands, 5 1-loa; Orleans, leaves for Cincinnati to-morrow. Freight, Etc. It. R. KiTer.i Tulal.

'Stocks. City bales. 300, 00 worth Griffith, of the Mary Miller, is here. and in Ot course. A sale terviewed W.F.

Davidson 0:1 'Change. HAIL 1 KEHiHTS ON COMPRESSED COTTON. St. Louis Louis to Boston, Pro would certainly be a neat ie'van- 8.28i 31.S56 47.V1S8 I 5.920 S97.10 I 4.40V noN. of properly tage." i 5.

10 Ik.sTs 1 5 Wheat, bu. ora. tm Osa. live, ha liirleT. bu.

Comparative receipts and shipments lor the 21 hours ending to-day, and thu same uav in 177: See advertisement of the great New York, Philadelphia, An Important Opinion fo BMlrornl Corporations ware A ta flow much am 1 ofie. J. Davis. -'It is I V.

7M.tVH Jas. Howard. Goes fioiu Cairo to Now Or Boston, SflO I 1.50 1 W. 15 lirlire.ed This Suraing. leans.

Stocks at Closing Prices at Other Points. "ifjon," said Mr. riuuculous," said much am I ot-newspaper? Give aid soiwebody. give me the $7. ui.

art-house not tncUidc.d. It is said that W. F. Dnvitlsoti sends out a Receipts. 1S78.

i 1877. Shipment: 1878. I 1S7 Mr. MaciHmalu. "How ifeied lor this great me a bid." "1 ism bill $iiotl; will von Closing nrices at other market-, reported bv boat for Hannibal or Keokuk, the last ol the season for the north.

Stocks of Grain in tre nt New York and time when it. calvin" In re iving up the sale hero of, ho told a poyr reporter that he had as tarre a claim the bank as an consequently wanted to see as a divi 1 p.iid as po-sibia, but he did a i Judge Lindley this morning delivered the following important decision affecting rail llroiik! jn. was Kpok ni body Mr. Jno. J.

White, mr.nager Public Grain and Stock Exchange, rooms 1 25 to 131 Chamber of Commerce. 20" so a time, with no And this wns kept no for fco 600 The Do Smet is tin; Tuesday nseket 1.949! S13 I 1.421 11.1.! I 9s7 Hoes ot an advance. "Once, twice ail 30. I prospect ioi I for Cape Girardeau nnd ail ay poim.s. Don't forget dear old man limner.

Nov. Is7 Dec. 1ST7 Dec. 17 AKT1CLSS. going to strike it on tins tune Chicago, December 9.

KKCEIPTS. SHU'S! F.NT.1-.. 1 Three times and sold to Mr. J. t.

l.awtc roads Meramec Iron Mining Company vs. St. Louis Saleui and 1 itlie Kock Hailroad Company. Thii; i a mot ion to dissolve injunction grant The Eti.a arrived from Cairo, lt 'ht 29 Wheat 1 .19 ,050 Wheat 47.1 00 Mr. Lav.ton, the purchaser, represented the Wheat torn 31 lli.2S.

Com 129, 5 mi c-orri i.t.'.O hours, arriving at Cfnvndelet at 1. a. in. She missed the Tr.tum at Choi-tcr. and at ed at chamber enjoining Defendant from 3.10.rVi-4.

107.507 2. 11.9-2 8.5l.tNM 3.7o.9!H.1.72: i'-i 1.231. 000 tali etiii.O.'O: K0I.S77 firm of Williamson, Stewart .4 the wLole-I saie paper men, and got a bargain, as ths Jour it-il press is urt 1 io have V. hope on I l.e dollar. 1 li rs iiu! huh hi i I heir 1 Jlst.s Devil's Island.

The Klir.i draws 1 feci, an pro- Kyr iiarley much more than lifty cents said the fact that the stock-. to depositors for doable the did amount to much i arc bankrupt tided about hers nnd there, ports feet 111 tne channel. STii.yio CAI'T. JiENr.y Lovcijy arrived from Pomerov. Inspections Wheat.

491 282 cars. December 9. p. m. jjgjj.

Wheat January, February. Corn January. 35 "j'c May. Pork 47 72 'i January, Si February. L.ard 5.52c January, 5.62.0 February.

lioerhe'liTti's Report. I I.iv December 9. Preudstuffs Market unchanged. at at Prin- ileceipts and Ohio, where he bought an 600-ton buik gm'in bnrue. tor the s-t.

Louis ami New Orieaus trade. ShiiiiiU'ittH VY'he eipal Points. 1HKN Tilt was offered "tieiitlemeii," s.aid Mr. MePof.ild, "I now propose to scii you tne t.rrutng Dispatch, a paper that will live when all i "other tveuing papers are dead Laughter. "Ho.v Who ili be the fivst' to make an oiler.

Mr. pr m. fcillCC li the so it v. i i 10 in th He bought also lrom (he irst N'utionnl Bunk be next to impossible to collect CATTLE OSerings moderate, about sixty car loads in all, th- bnlk of 'vhicb consisted of common and moliuin uiixcd southern and native butcher stutf. This was no incentive to buyers.

Local and the buyers of the canning companies were present in fair numbers, but the latter buyvi ere the oiiiv purchasers that exhibited any life. Ixical dealers and speculators di not ant many cattle and soon obtained nil they desired. The caiincrs operated quite freely in medium mixed bio chcr stu if, paying from $2 25 a 3 25 tor common mixed to good biiieher steers. There was no supply of grass Texans, while the inquiry for these as steady. Good wintered Texans in small offerings and mainly ot thin quality, that were hard to work off at very low pi ices.

A few Eastern shippers put in an appearance, but, finding no native slopping cr export steers in the neus, soon retired froni the market ipts of Pomeiov the E. M. Norton hlio Sal i rfde.T will arrive here by 1 rirtay iiioviiing to take a ct. charging planum inor, lor transporting- its iion ore over defendant 's ro-ati than tiie proportion to iiifh defendant is entitled with other connecting roaris, under the act to regulate the charge raiiioad companies, approved March 21', 1S73. Defendant insists that one of lie provisions of the, act of Isl is that every railroad corporation shall arrange and ciessify all property usually carried by them over their roads; that tins prevision was r-cimicd in tho re- ision of 1 si5.

That, by the fifth section of chapter 221 concerning the general statutes and their effect, it is provided that- "provisions of tli genera! statutes, so far as thev are the samn as those of existing law, shall be construed as a coti- 72.755 ao tow to New Orleans. 1 he Norton is three eais old, 175 eel long, 3-i loot beam. SKi leet il. en. s.2t;,' l.OCA I- PI UnONALS.

'li! 13.22 47.01111 99.HK) D.o'JO Grain Inspections. Wheat 4 cars N. 2 spring, 1 ears No. 2 5 5 7i has live boilers, eyli.uler foot stroke and 20 of ncsTil'e, is at New Ycrk. inches 111 diameter. TS.mii 5.000 I Mediterranean. 1 car No. 2 white winter, 4 W. the Laelo 1. tans No.

1 red winter, 49 cars No. 2 rod win "Wvomir territory, ter, 27 cars No. 3 il winter. 9 cars No. 4 winter, 21 cars rejected winter.

Total 119 cars. Hirer Telegrams. patch to the Post. December 9. Arrived: John 17xports of Provision pcc'al I of ar.s, i reuisterfrtl at lit Bit i' S.

1 nam Mo! I. iMIltCl llll-li The eximrto of orovisions from principal ports of Corn 1 car new, 11 cars No. 2 white mixed. M. CI.

ambers and I nuation ol such laws and ges, from St. Louis. De- tne I mu states from Novoaiuer 1 to November 30, not as new instru of Br is stop mi "Wrre ioliows: partures fir to-day Iron meats. 1 car new white, mixed, 90 cars No. 2 mixtd, 3 cars rejected.

Total lo6 cars. lit the 1 at 5 p. for St. Louis. defendant concludes and insists, there- Mountain and River I 3 leet iueU-Weaiher cloudy and -S.

1-76-7. Oats i cars No. 2.1 car rejected. Total es above low water mark registered IM. P.iiMon, -f NusLv at I.i:nl.''l.

cars. rainy. Barley 3 cars No. 3 spring, 2 cars rejected 7. 56s.

son, 60.S56.4321 1.794.S0O rvY.292.2i 21.520,290: it s. lu Lard, Its. and wife, of New Orleans, DUiiiinin any wilaiever. The demand was fnir for good grades at quotations. However, the quality must be good to prime.

No doubt the pens will be cleared of stock before night. Fee. ling steers steady and in urgent demand, with supply semt and mainly of common and medium steers that sold readily for want of anything better. Common mixed and Southwest cows and heifers duli. Milch cows auu springers quiet eal calves dull.

urilXO QUOTATION'. Choice native steers, av. J.400 to 1.500 fcs Si 25S4 50 foie, that the act ot 1S4 conferred on railroads a Iraiicbise.w hicliwas the right to classify their own freight, aim was continued by the geneial statutes, but not as a new enactment; that the only power to change the charier of defundant's corpoiation spring. Total 5 cars. Dr.

A. arc at tin: Iindeli. 2.774.000 25.564.21.1 9.1U3.79a 37,442.011 1 cars No. 2, car rcjecteu. Total 7 Total 1 CI.

607. 30 cars. HentT C. Vomiv', of Spi i field. Mo.

is reg- RIVER TRANSPORTAT ION. LOWKIt "hississippT lsu-r -ii at tne reserved to the Legislature is contained in section 4, article 8. ot the Constitution et 1865. D. Travis AV.

Mo Future Sales To-Dny. WHEAT Sales (thonsands): Dec 10 at Freights. are at Bat mini's rami, viz. "Corporation, may be formed under general laws, Imt shell not be created by special yy iiant-y, 1 kr.oiv You want runt lie Dispatii, and there i il r. uiuke a it'i tuue with it." There was a wilt cf two miuiitas, nobody ap-peatintrto want to start the hall.

Finally Mr sp.n'vi J. Arnold, of Collcctrr Rose tililtt oriice, 1 1 ct 5-1 A whisper went all a'. ont that it was in the interest ot und Chauneey 1 Fiiicy. Mr. Welch bid 41 Mr.

Arnold increased to homebody suid $2,100. Arnold made it Somebody back of Mr. Mac-iKMuild in "the hallway said AriKild went to Sli.ooO. 'i lie man back in Urn hall kaid At this Arnold walked otf and it was supposed he had given the matter up. or some minutes the criercalied $3, 100, and when it looked as though this was tha highest notch he struck it otf.

The n.xt question was, who had pot it? Nobody knew Mac-Donald turned around and called for the parly's name, but lie had vanished. After some minutes' time it became apparent that the mail in the hall was a fiimil. MacDonaKl got mad and said ho would kick him rtown the t-teps if he knew who it was. Just then Arnold came back, and, having been informed of the trick, said he would still cive $2,500, and at that figure it was struck off to him. He and Mr.

MacDonnld went across the street, and the necessary paymeut was made. It was thought the dummy bidder was in the interest of Mr. Welch, but this was not true. There was a great desire to know what the pmchaso by Arnold meant, he general belief being that he had acted for Boscnblatt and Chauneey I. Filley.

Mr. Arnold refused to say anything aoont it, but later inlorrncd a Post reporter that the purchase was made in behalf of Mr. Joseph Pulitzer. S3iC, 75 at fct'i'e. 3t at SS'j'e; Jan.

30 nt Ssr.c, 25 at 89c. 3t at 45 at SS.ssc; Feb E. i'ngli. of and Main, erooo in prune graneu steers, av. to Y'icks-niu-ff.

50 Poims. NEVy ORLEANS ANCHOR LINE. FOR SEW 0KLKAXS AMI WAY LaXDLYoS. GOLD JJUSTJr, 1.350.. 3 90S 4 15 IO at 90'ic, 40 at 90i'C, 60 at 90 5-16C, 40 at 60 acte, except for municipal purposes.

All general laws and special acts passed pursuant to this action may be altered, amended or Memphis 30 45 15 15 90 c. N. Orleans. ro 75 25 25 30 90 KTVETt. Flour, brl Pork, 'f brl Grain.

100 100 30 OliN OuIt sales weie tor February 10M at McCOltD graded steers, av. 1.050 to 1.200.. Gooil to pi-inie native feeding steers, a 1.000 to 1.200 F'air native stock steers, av. S0O to 950. to prime native cows and heifers.

Fair native cows and heifers 3 50 a 3 85 3 00 i 3 35 2 5-rf2 85 2 75-0-3 25 2 40 a 2 bO 30 E5 Delendant then insists that the law or act of Leaves Wcduesdav. liecenibcr 11, at 5 p. 111. 30 Hay, 100 Way points 30c per 100 Bis. 31i'e, 10 at 31.4iC.

10 at 31 7-16c offered late at with December offered at oloso at 29c no bid; January at 3oe. bid 29e; Match at 32Jic, bid 32Kc; May at bid 31c. 1S64, authorizing railroads to classify fi eights, was not passed pursnat to that section of the Constitution, and hence that the Legis- KAIL From East St. New rhila- liaiti- Good to crime corn fed Texas steers 1,000 Master. ijouis.

ton. Tors. ueJphia. more. ure has no power to niter or change the Leaves Saturday, lith 5 p.

in. law as to affect tie defendant's charter. Flour, brl 90 SO 76 74 Grain 45 40 39 37 class 46 41 39 3S Bulk meats 56 51 49 48 ggjtJwliarflMwtt foot Market street. Sales on 'Change. WHEAT Sales: Grades Ton this side, and which was granted iu Ib73, betore the act of 1875 referred to, reserving to the State the power to classify, was passed.

iit iixj, uci. t. Aru I lie argument oi tne uelenuant is based on strictly fresh, unless' otherwise stated 1 car No. 2 Mediterranean at 60c; 2 cars No. 1 red in Ad.

at 91f'S92At'c, 6 do in Ad. and V. nt 92c; KOUNTZ 1.17s i Comparative Closing Tallies of Leading Ar the view that the worcs "pursuant to" in the Constitution mean subsequent in point of ticles at 1 P. M. 10 cart- part reg.

and 10,000 bu j. 2 red (part To-dav. ol New Yrk, tne Laclede. Jno. K.

Mnhon and J. K. tiioom and wile, of li.trshuil, are at the i.iiidell. Win. Hunting and Davenport Behns, both of Kw York, are stopping rtttht! Laclede.

J. r. Boliinson, Olm fll A. V. Hart.

Yort, u.iti L. A. Hofehl registered lit tti Liudell. W. H.

J. Mnlford, of New York, nd O. B. Tavlor. of Lead City, Kaunas, are registered at th I'lanters'.

Dr. 1. Dicrke, of Mobile. Alabama, and Thomas A. scoit, ot the Scotia lion Works, arc ut the Planters' A.

B. Svninis, Atchison, Kas. Maj. E.J. VUliamu.

Sidney, Ncwsouin Wales, Australia, fiif at Bnrniun's. Wm. M. Bun'ing, KohertS. 11:11, Har'y Laey and W.

Elliot, nil of New York, ar quurtei-tl at thf Lncledo. Major J. II. Pmith, Captain of the American Team of Crceilmoor, left the i.indell tins morning for I t. Dodge.

C. 11. Cook, Chicago; Win. Buckley. New York, and G.

Boshmmner, i'rancc, arc quartered at the Lindell. Caot. s. Cveuncll, river; Thos. F.Calhoun, Keokuk, Iowa, and lion.

N. S. btebhins, ot iiicwao, are at Hnrnum's. FOR SEW ORLEANS WAY ANDINGS. time.

If this be admitted, still the net was reg. part Dec, del to-day) at SSJjc, 79 No. 88 passed after the adoption of the Constitution, ears do small part reg. and 5,000 bu.rea. Uo at 88 ri bid Broly, Master, 10th.

5 p. iu. 88 'i Str. J. B.

M. Leaves Tuesday, Str. M0LL1E S8c. 2 cars in Ad. at S9C, 18 cars No.

3 red st 85c, 2 do at biK, 5 do part reg. at 2 do in Ad. at 85s'c; 5 cars No. 4 at 79c; rejected not offered or bid on. Saturday.

2 red wheat, cash. 88V Jan 8S 7-16 bid 89 March 91 bid 3 red wheat cash. 84 J-i 2 spring, cash 75 2 mixed corn cash 29 i 91s-. bid Master, Will Leave at 5 p. No.

No. CORN Sales: Grades 10,000 bu No. 2 mix 843485 75Ji bid A BOl'T TOYV3. ed reg. to-day (early) at 20ic.

35,000 bu do to 1.200...... 3 003 40 Fair corn led Texas steers 850 to 950 2 75 a3 00 (Common 2 O0ei-2 50 Common to noou rrass Texans 2 25d3 35 COWS WI1K CALVES AND SPIUNEKS. Good to prime $28 OTKIRO 00 Choice 3 0Oi3S OO 20 0Oa25 0O (oininon 15OO'al8 00 (lonimou veal calves 4 0)ta 5 00 6 OOi 7 00 Good 7 8 REI'RESENTATIVE SALES. Description. Av.

Price. 21 good Souliiweet butchers' 1.000 3 50 21 ttood Southwest butchers' 1.031 350 18 pood native butchers" 1.P26 3 HO 20 fair native butchers', 1,013 3 25 20 fair native butchers' 3 00 19 fair native butchers' 912 3 00 105 light coru-led Texan steers S93 2 S5 21 good Texan steer 1,073 3 37 a 17 common Southwest mixed 823 2 25 22 common Southwest 7h9 2 60 a0 fair Southwest mixed 913 2 85 1IOGS The supply on sale fair and aguin comprised all grades from common to good. Packers and shippers were present in fair numbers, but they all manifested an indifference as regards operating that was not at all relhih-ed by sellers. The weather was very cold and all to be desired, but packers did not seem to take this into consideration. Transactions this foreuoon comparatively light and mainly to packer, they paying very low prices, name Master, Sir.

HENRY C. YAEGER YV id Leave at 5 rag. to st. tr. at bu do and 8 cars in.

No. reg. nt 29 25,000 bu do reg. at close at 29c, bid 29 29! 29? 31 5. h.

from leu M.UMltt A F-IKUT. hil 9 cars rejected (Dart snort storage) at 2sc 2 do at 28UC, 4 cars do St. L. at 2Sc same bid for more, 2 cars rejected white-mixed at iFTPl sircet. reiifht coa- as uu niiisier.

or 29 bid 29? bid 31 3-16 March bid 34 bid Rejected corn, 27' New No. 2 wh. mxd c. cash. 29 JOHN W.

KING, bid 34 a bid Api-nt. 6 cars No. 2 white-mixed thi3 side at 4 do at 5,000 bu and 5 cars do at OATS Sales- Grades 1 Mrs No atnroaa 28 28 bid "29 Vd FROM CAIRO FOR NEW ORLEANS. out to day at cars do short storage. 19'i 19 bid ana st.

tr. st. l. at 4 st. fr.

at 197'c, 1 car rejected at 19'c same bid tor 4 Dull times in the justice circles. Bar Association will meet to-night. This is a bcartiful day for a promenade. Three-button Kid Gloves, 60e. Bernd Eckstein.

The ice business has a rather promising outlook this winter. Holiday goods are plentiful this year, and Santa Clans is investing heavily. Even in this cold weather the cook that pours coal oil on a a fire will burn up. The Fire Department boys complain of unusually dull business for this time of year. 20 bid cars more St.

L. No. 2 white wanted at 20iic. it- but none here. On orders bv dealers, deliver IdH bid 20 bid 207i bid 23 bid via STEAMER IIOAV.VUl.

ed, in new sacks 250 sks mixed at 25c. i 4 i 19 bid 42V BARLEY Sales: Nebraska 1 No. a I 1 JAMES O'NEAL. 1 Master, ly irom 4 aw-2 t5 tor lair to good packing free of storage at 42c, 2 medium at 56c, 2 do at 59c, 1 on p. t.

Iowa 1 car prime at 7oe, 1 strictly do at 73c, 1 do do at 75c, 4 choice at No. 2 oats, casn Rejected oats, No. 2 rye, casn Dec Rejected rve, cash Bless pork, casn D. S. shoulders D.

S. clear ribs Bacon shoulders, cash Will Cairo iiuiviiria uiu urn miiiw Kiiy me while the few shippers that looked around did not 38K T' t'S" 1 0,1 arrival of the evening trains. 90c del. cars Canada on p. t.

7.75 new S7 75 new r- uu issage apply to RYE Sales: Grades 7 cars reiected fr. nnd rc, mcioieii 10 ikj noiu witn any degree of freedom, notwithstanding the fact that prices were ruinously low, say from St. tr. St. L.

at 38o, 9 do res'. O. at Or ABBtM.L, F. St. Or.

CAIT. THQSj. W.Slllk.LDS, Cairo! namely in me revision oi 'bo. Iit not the act of '64 been passed or enacted at the revision it would have stood repealed bT tha terms of sec. 2, ch.

224. But it is bv the liflh section to be construed to bo a continuation of tne act of 1864. That is true if any rights had attached before the power of chRiigc or amendment was given to the Legislature. But if no risdits accrued to any one before the adoption of the Constitution, then there was and is no need of construction. If defendant organized under the law alter the Constitution was did so with full kuowlede of the legislative power to alter and amend.

Even a special charter is subject to such legislative control until the company has organized under it, as long as no lights become vested, i. e. before the company is declared to be subject to the same legislative control ns other statutes. lB. Moore, 144; Paige, 45; 10 How (U.

8.) 395. The position of defendant seems to bo fully answered by the following from the text of 1 Redfleld on railroads, p. here the constitution of a State is so altered as to prohibit the grant of special acts of incorporation, it was hsld that such an act granted before the new Constitution took elleet. and which had not been accepted by the corporators, could not be accepted thereafter, as the grant of a charter to those who had not applied for it until it was accepted remained a mere affix, and might be withdrawn at the pleasure of the grantor," citing 22 Ind. 272.

This is a complete answer even if the provisions of the law of '61 constituted a general or special law of incorporation. But quwre, do they amount to anything more than police regulations obligations imposed in inretum, and therefore removable by the legislation without consent ot the corporations. II. The next point made by defendant is that the law confers on thd Commissioners legislative power in allowing them to classify articles of freight. It is true that legislative powercan-not be delegated, and it has been held that where judgment and discretion are to be exercised, it is legislative action.

But commissioners and ministerial officers must be allowed to exercise their ordinary scnSeorthev would not be able to carry out and enforce the laws. and I fail to see where is the legislative judgment or discretion to bo exercised In classifying iron ore in ear loads in a class pro-, vided bv the statute us comprising coal, brick. The theatrical bill boards are ettracting a 2.60 3 cars No. 2 at 1 No. 1 J--5 tor "X'-t shipping to good J.

C. of New York; W. T. Boos, of Chicago, and Mrs. Vim Beck, of Baskuk.

Texas, are ut the 1'hiiners'. 9. 11. Hopkins, of Kansas City; John S. Elliot, ol KslMl.

and Wm. l(. Day, of Car-rolton. are at the Laclede. A.

Bird, of IVmisvivania B. Opperheitncr Of nun Antonio, Texas, mvf li. A. Chamber', ot Loudon, Tcnu. are at the 1'lanters' House! K.

P. Eosicr, of I'iketon, Mo. Jas. Woods of Dalton. J.

It. ol Janutsvilie! Ai N. Ltiubmon, oi New Y'otk, are lit Barnuui's, Miss Florence Noble, Miss Katie Baker, Miss JosepljiiiK Baker, Mr. Frank Lamb ami Mr. Jenkins, all of tlie "Miahiy Dollar" coiuhinalion, are stopping at the Laclede.

GET your gloves ut Kreeger's, 405 N. 4th Kt. Mr. L. I'.

liEAviS will lecture to-night on the Importance of a railway connection with the Vity ot at Mercantile Library Hull, he 1 dure will be free, pRing all chance to hear the vieHS of Mr. K'-avis, who lias given he Mi'oject much thought. good share of public attention about this time PORK Sales: Small job lots old standard OIliO K1YER. loraers. imm ail in all.

the imrVptT. 3.70 bxd 2U bxd 3S65 3.70(3'bxd 4.70 new mess f. o. b. E.

side at $7 15; new held nt S7 75 this side, and hardoide at fis. Thb debris ot the railroad accident on the Levee and Poplar street has been cleared clear no. casn F.lir-avfH Cincinnati and I Ni in Fne U1X Psenfrer steamer 40 oils old ut 7 60fa7 75, 125 brls new ut $8 4.80 new slow this niormug, and it is diflicuit to predict bow thuiBS ill turn out this afternoon: Mont probably slight declines will be in order Vul ties are irregular at $2f2 20 for skins and rough $2 202 40 for light shipping and good Yorkers; $2 45(82 65 tor packing and 12 clear, Lard, current make away. tit 1 1 vi iv 5.30 bid 5.30 bid GREEN MEATS 100.000 lbs sh Art" PiPnt trrir There ought to be a city ordinance against the block p. t.

1 car hams av. at 45kC. 1 fTT Keokuk Northern Line bt. foot Locust street, leaves Tuesday, hTrau'Dt'cnnlHt 10. at 4 o'clock p.

m. For freight or pascre aenlv on ho ...1 2 cars lb-m do at 43ic i. o. b. E.

side. presenting children with tin horns for Christ BreadstuS's and Provisions. MORNING BOARD 9:30 A. M. TO 1 P.

Jl. 1 km iui uutv uni nilLl seieCli. D. MEATS 1OOse: 9 car 1 ETR SENT ATI VK SALES J. F.

BAKERi L. F. clear ribs (car lots) at 3c tiiaiulv 1 s.n.i. Price. No.

Wheat Received to-day 62,913 bushels, ef Av. AgonH. mas gifts. Social Evil! Jones! Jones! Social Evil! It strikes us we've heard of both of these around here before. part o.

b. 1 car 20-day do at 3.55c o. 19 boxes 25-day short clear and 7.nnn n.a i No. Av 55 255. 12 214.

25 Mi. do at 3.70c, 7 cars assorted which there was 56,400 bushels in bulk and 6,543 bushels in sacks. Sample wheats were in very light supply, and with a good demand backed by better feel 118 For Cairo, Paducah. Evansvllle. Louisville, Cincinnati and Pittsburg.

ftr. aiitry 3Iillev. Prce 70 2 75 2 70 2 65 2 65 2 65 2 45 sides looso p. t. packed clear generally held af3Ve.

Orders 35 pkgs; shoulders 3c. clear J. Milton Turner, of St. Louis, is leeturing on "Africa, and the Republic of Liberia," in ribs 37c, clear 4H'e. BACON 13.

OOU lbs loose old Leave. ushliieton avenue. 50 2 35 1 60 2 60 2 70 2 H2f 2 55 2 35 2 60 2 60 2 55 2 55 2 60 2 65 2 50 108 48... 20... 100.

93... 59... 65... 64... 119.

111... 70... 209... 78... 57...

40... ..290 ..315.... ..280 ..265.... ..258.... ..202....

..181.... ...252 ..254.... ...274.... ..269.... ...264....

...191.... Hannibal. Mo. 2 62 ing in grades the market fwns quick at Kalc per bn advance. GrRdes opened strong and higher all round, but the feeling grew easier toward the close and the market wound up weak at figures given above ..256....

..231.... ..169..., ..245..., 254..., ..23..., ..285.... ..270..., ..271... ..227... 4.15c other lots bides on p.

4 tcs plain new s. c. Small lots new on orders-shoulders 4c, cloar rit 5c, short clear SVc. 60.... 91....

55.... 12.... 117 113 117 42.... 19.... 417 Lauof.

pieces of telegraph wire were lying on Twelfth and Washington avenue last night, with possibly the exception ot I futures lb Casks Januarv elr rib .,,1,1 40 2 65 2 62', 2 60 2 60 2 a 55 I I' fiVV210 N- L. i b'AKUJIllAL, 221 Olive st. Agents. Jno. W.

Elwell tripping passers-by. J.C5C. February short clear offered at 4 Vc no buyer. Nos. 1 and 2 red.

No. 1 red was in good request and sold higher nt 91c this side to 92c in Venice. No. 2 was in Rctive demand As between cleaning out the public pocket In the way of taxes and cleaning the public streets, it looks like a stubborn ami muddy fact that the latter, just now, seems the most tiL-cckslul way of doing things hereabouts. Apropos of the weather it might be well to publish "Beautiful Snow," Just now, but then it may bo well to remember there was nil earthquake in this vicinity but a short time since and it would be well to tempt Provi-tleiiCe aiilu- Thf.RE are enough afternoon papers now to on oroers.

s. c. hams sell atfien'uln 26. ..173. 2 Sl'i by shippers, who took most of the purchases give the newsboy a chance of selling "three SHEEP Thera In ui at 88'ic (a little early at at lirst canv; breakfast aides 77o.

LARD 400 tcs primesteain part loose on p. 250 tcs do up country (E. St. Ix)uis treight for a dime" whsa lie Cuds out lie la going to sandstone, railroad ties Hiid cord wood, and all for str. frcslif Joniv, but later for F.NER AT, COMMISSION MKIt-CliAN'I'S tud Dealers In Ntesjnho.k for all Vt- i-i'-scui noou acmanu .1 BrJes1 shepP above common, and full onotliousandliead could bo coiisiinta eath day by shippers and local butchers.

be "stuck." heavy fourth-class articles in car loads. The tact that fourth-class articles are named does any storage equal to regular; No. 3 opened with a good demand at 85c, but weakened piilies. Bulter. The Afghan war will be transferred to St.

Uuce, I'rovisumi, etct not alter the matter. The law, after providing ii) at o.tuc; oa oiaers, 20 tc refined at 6.20C. PHme country at 5Ve. GEEA8E Ranges at to 4JWc, as in kind. toward the end and closed with sale? irregular Louis wheu the sleigh-riding season breaks lor lour general classes, omitted to acllne ly at No.

4 was in good to local balers, mainly I No. 123 N. Main St. Louis i 7.

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